Mount Royal Chiropractic. Acupuncture & Massage, is now able to provide Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage appointments once again in the clinic.
We are excited to see our patients again and look forward to helping you feel your best, heal your injuries and help you achieve your goals!
Our In-Office Safety Procedures
As a team health care provider, our priority is the safety and wellness of our patients and staff.
As regulated health care professionals, we strictly abide by the specific guidelines dictated by the Government of Alberta and our regulatory bodies regarding reopening our clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We would like to inform you of the safe practice plan we are implementing at our clinic.
- **All patients will be required to provide their own mask or facial covering and wear it over their nose and mouth at all times while in the Mount Royal Village Family Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage. Gloves may be provided if desired.
- **Please do not present to your appointment any more than 5 minutes early. This will help reduce person to person contact.
- Our Clinicians and Administration Staff will always be wearing masks; gloves when warranted.
- Our appointment schedule and Administration Staff schedule have been adapted to reduce the number of people in the clinic at one time.
- We are continuing to be extra vigilant in adhering to all of our Infection Protection and Control Policies, with increased disinfecting of all door handles, countertops, and other public surfaces.
- Sneeze guards have been installed at reception counters.
- Treatment areas are thoroughly sanitized after each patient.
- Washrooms are frequently sanitized.
- Hand sanitizer is available on the countertop at the front desk and throughout the clinic for your use.
- Patients will be pre-screened for COVID-19 one day prior to their appointment. Clinicians have the right to refuse treatment to anyone exhibiting symptoms.
- Staff are screened for COVID-19 daily and will stay at home if required.
- Staff have been provided information on physical distancing, and social distancing practices will be followed.
- Waiting room management strategies have been implemented.
- Specific changes to the check-in/out procedure.
- Magazines have been removed.
- Cashless or no contact payment strongly encouraged.
- Gloves will be provided.
To make an appointment of if you have any questions please contact us or call (403) 475-6210 or email us at
Thank you from everyone at Mount Royal Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage for visiting our website!
No referral is ever required to schedule an appointment
at Mount Royal Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage.